Ways to clean ears of Dog

Ways to clean ears of Dog

6 minute read

Cleaning a dog's ears is a vital component of his grooming routine. Ear cleaning is often beneficial for dogs that have ear infections. Without cleaning, it is impossible to remove material stuck deep inside the horizontal canal of a dog's ear canal. If not removed, this substance can cause irritation and ear infections.

This is good if you begin handling or cleaning a puppy's ears early on, as they will be more likely to be OK as they get older. This isn't always doable, especially if you have a rescue or an elderly dog who has never had its ears cleaned before. Begin by lightly caressing and tapping your dog's ears to see how they react. Don't force them to touch their ears if they don't want to. If your dog is pushing or straining, don't try to wipe their ears since it will irritate them and damage you. Instead, take your dog to the vet, who will be able to clean his teeth for you.


Importance of regular dog ear care:

Bathing and brushing your dog are only part of grooming. It's equally as vital to take care of your ears on a regular basis. Dogs are susceptible to ear canal infections, which can be painful and even dangerous to their health. Pet parents, on the other hand, can guarantee that their dogs receive regular ear care, allowing them to live happier and healthier lives.

There are hundreds of distinct dog breeds around the world, which means that dog ears come in a range of shapes and sizes. Dog ears are divided into two types: those that are flattened on the head and those that are stuck straight beneath the head. Don't make the mistake of thinking that one sort of ear is safer than the other. If they are not properly managed, they may become disoriented and lose their way. This is why it's crucial to keep an eye on your ears, as they can collect dirt, debris, and deadly bacteria. Keep in mind that dogs with a lot of hair growing out of their ears (often long-haired canines) are more likely to collect dirt in their canal.


Signs that it is time to clean a dog's ears:

Once a week, examine your dog's ears for ear irritation, infection, dirt, allergies, and parasites. Redness, discharge, filth, or wax accumulation are all things to watch for. It is critical to check and inspect your dog's ears frequently so that you are aware of how healthy they appear. If your pet's ears change the appearance or react differently to the ear test, it may suggest that more inquiry, such as a vet's examination, is required.




How often should you clean a dog's ears?

The frequency with which you clean your dog's ears is determined by various factors, including breed, activity, and health issues such as allergies. Ear infections are more common in long-eared dogs than in other breeds. Thus, they require more frequent cleaning. For example, amateur swimmers and energetic field dogs find it difficult to remain out of the mud. On the other hand, some dogs need to clean their ears once in a while. However, over-cleaning can cause irritation and even infection, so consult your veterinarian.


What you will need to clean the ears of your dog:

You don't need to purchase unique and expensive devices to clean ears. You'll need cotton balls, cotton gauze, a dog ear wash solution, and some treats to reward the pet. Cotton tip users should not be used due to the danger of eardrums or ear canal trauma perforation. Furthermore, using a cotton swab might force material more profound into the ear canal.


How to clean your dog's ears: step-by-step instructions:

  • Make sure your dog is comfortable before lifting his ear, holding it between your thumb and index finger, and looking inside the ear.
  • Examine the ear for any signs of redness, discharge, or odor. A small quantity of light-colored wax is quite natural. If it's too much, the ears are too red, or there's pus or a foul odor, it's an indication of a condition that has to be addressed by a veterinarian.
  • Clean the ear canal by moisturizing the cotton ball to remove any dirt or excess wax.
  • Insert the tip of the air cleaner into the ear canal of your dog's choice, being careful not to push it too deep, and then squeeze the container to release the ear cleaner.
  • To help the cleaner get into the ear canal, massage the base of the ear. Using moist cotton, wipe away any excess cleanser.
  • Carry on with the procedure for the opposite ear. If your veterinarian has prescribed ear drops, apply them as soon as possible after cleaning. This will ensure that the medicine gets into the ear and is absorbed without getting stuck in wax buildup.


Mistakes to avoid when cleaning your dog's ears:

Wrong dog's ear wash solution

Because the dog's ear is L-shaped, it's vital to apply an ear cleaning solution to help empty the horizontal canal, which might be tough to access. Choose an earwax that contains components that aid in keeping the ear canal acidic and dry. Boric acid, acetic acid, and lactic acid are among the examples.


Using cotton swab

To clean these ears, you must remove as much liquid and debris as possible after using the cleaning solution. Cotton wipes push wax and debris deeper into the ear canal, where they are impossible to remove. As a result, instead of using a cotton swab, you can use cotton balls or cotton gauze.


Not visiting a vet

Although a tiny amount of ear wax is acceptable, if your dog's ears smell unpleasant, your dog shakes his head or itches excessively, or one or both ears are red. You should make an appointment with your veterinarian. These symptoms could indicate a bacterial or fungal ear infection. Ear infections, if left untreated, can damage the ear canal or lead to more severe infections of the middle or inner ear. If you suspect your dog has an ear infection, consult your veterinarian before cleaning the ear, as confirming an ear infection can be difficult.

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